Educational Food Service
Educational Food Service Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Los Lunas, and Belen
National School Lunch Program Throughout New Mexico
Being a Food Service Management Company, we offer high quality fresh, hot, nutritious meals in the area of Educational Feeding at a reasonable price. We service Pre-K through 12th grade (public school districts, private schools and charter schools) in addition to colleges and universities.

We follow the criteria set by the USDA for the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program. Our menus are analyzed by a program from NutriKids to ensure nutritionally balanced meals. We meet or exceed the new nutrition standards set by the USDA and the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

Canteen of Central New Mexico offers a variety of options and solutions to meet your food service needs. Based on the facilities you have, we can prepare food from scratch on site or deliver hot meals straight to your campus. We offer menu planning for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner as well as prepare sack breakfasts and lunches for field trips. Canteen will be there to assist you in any way possible.  For districts/schools with on-site cooking facilities, Canteen will hire the staff to prepare, serve and track the meals offered at your facility.

We also have many resources available to the Administration to help meet the requirements under the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program. Our team of professionals can also help design an available open area to a functioning cooking area that meets the criteria of the Environmental Health Department.

Canteen of Central New Mexico offers all styles of food service programs that meet the requirements of the CACFP, National School Breakfast and Lunch Program, the various Summer Food Service Programs, as well as College/University feeding. Contact us today for more information at 505.344.3481. We would be happy to serve you!